In the course of a coaching conversation, we go through a number of transitions. Some of those are tied to the process model we use for coaching. Others arise organically as the client moves through the exploration of the subject she or he has brought for consideration. How we manage these transitions can have a powerful effect on outcomes for the client.
In this session we will identify the ICF core competencies that relate to the coaching process and the transition points inherent in applying those competencies. We will examine at least two other types of transitions points that arise from the client’s exploration of matters brought to coaching.
Participants will come away with an enhanced understanding of:
- · The functional properties of the different ICF Core Competencies.
- · How the five process competencies can inform our management of transitions inherent in the structure of all coaching conversations.
- · Managing the more subtle transitions - times when we are not sure where to go next with the client.
- · How to manage transitions so that the client keeps moving forward towards meaningful outcomes.
We will address these objectives with short input from me, group discussion, and experiential exercises. We will explore what to listen for and what to ask or communicate so that we manage these transitions more effectively.
Attending this session, you will receive 1.25 CCEU in Core Competencies. This session relates to the use of all the core competencies. Setting the Agreement, Creating Awareness, Designing Actions, Planning and Goal Setting, Active Listening and Coaching Presence will be most specifically referenced.

Lou Raye Nichol is a business coach and co-founder and director of the North Carolina State University Business Coaching Certificate Program. Founded in 2002, this is a full professional 10 month program that has trained hundreds of coaches. She is co-author of The Essentials of Business Coaching, the textbook for the program.
She is certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF)as a Professional Certified Coach. Her coaching has focused on helping leaders to manage their work, careers, and life more strategically and to communicate more effectively.
Her background is in training and organization development roles, and in this capacity she built several small enterprises. She established and ran a training profit-center in the north of England for a London-based non-profit organization that provided support and accommodation for people with mental health problems. This was the only one of the four regional centers to operate in the black. As part of her work there, she developed and delivered numerous programs on coaching. Before that she headed a team working with clients in a residential program for the same organization. In North Carolina, she was executive director of a small non-profit, Leadership Triangle for seven years and built the organization to sustain a full time executive. In 2000 she and her husband founded the Business Coach Institute. She became a full time coach in 2001.
Lou Raye retired from full-time teaching and coaching in 2013 and returned to her first career – pottery. She makes and sells porcelain pottery that she makes on the potters wheel and fires with a special process called carbon trapping. She continues to coach returning clients and mentor student coaches seeking ICF Associate and Professional level certifications.