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Southeast Regional Webinar: Three Lenses for Coaching Supervision: Developing a Reflective Practice for Coaches

  • 06/11/2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom, Details provided in Part 2 of your Registration


  • Essential and Premier Members
  • open to the general public

Registration is closed

Executive and organizational coaches working with leaders, teams, and groups are immersed in complex, evolving organizational systems. This equally applies to transition and career coaches as there is always a systemic context to the coaching work. A coach’s ability to show up confident, competent, creative, and compassionate for their clients depends on their capacity to review and reflect on their work. This experiential session, using a live group supervision session and dialog, aims to illustrate coaching supervision as a reflective practice helping coaches be attentive and present to themselves, their clients, and organizations as systems.

Being an effective systemic coach means being attentive and present with the leaders we coach and reflecting on our work through three lenses—Self (how is my coaching client’s situation affecting me?), Others, (what is the quality of my client relationship and my relationship to the client organization?), and the System (What is happening within the system/s the client operates in, and what effects are being felt by the client?). Coaching Supervision creates the reflective and relational space for coaches to look through these three lenses to learn and develop from a systems perspective in service of their clients and organizations. In this experiential session, through live supervision sessions, participants will have the opportunity to give and receive coaching supervision and to experience, through a reflective dialog, how to view their work through a more systemic lens.

1 Core Competency CCEU will be offered for this webinar.


$10.00  ICF Global Member & ICF Gulf Coast Members 

$20.00  Non-ICF Guests

PLEASE NOTE: You will need to complete a two-part registration for webinars in the Southeast Regional series. Part 1 will be on the ICF Gulf Coast website, followed by part 2 with the sponsoring ICF chapter. You'll receive a link to the webinar after both parts are complete.

The ICF Southeast Regional Webinar Series is a collaboration between the 15 chapters in the Southeast Region. 

Occurs 9 times in 2020!

Continuing education offering with established industry experts

Interact online with other coaches in the ICF Southeast Region AND globally

Engage in high-quality professional development, while learning CCEUs

The Gulf Coast ICF chapter is excited to host the November 2020 webinar for this series. 

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