The United States, along with the rest of the globe, is experiencing some of the most major crises of our history. We can no longer deny or hide from America's 401 year -history of racism and injustice towards black people and other people of color - who have lived with the brutal realities of racism for all these years. We have not responded proactively to the devastating impacts of climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic. Our population is polarized, with different factions judging each other and unable to work together towards solutions.
This special 2.5 hour interactive workshop for allies and others who want to be part of the solution offers a bold new approach toward working across our differences, bridging the privilege gaps between different human experiences. It is distinguished from most other curricula in several important ways:
Addresses the multi-faceted sources of Privilege in our society
Creates an understanding of how Privilege operates
Provides relationship-based solutions
Calls for co-responsibility from all parties
Relies on an experiential learning methodology
Opens a pathway for creating true Belonging
3 Key Takeaways (please include knowledge, skills and/or coaching techniques):
1. Understand how power and privilege operate in society and the workplace.
2. Learn about internal work and relationship skill-building that needs to be done to prepare to engage more successfully and create an inclusive culture.
3. The importance of the ByStander Role and how to skillfully occupy it.
NOTE: This workshop is open to the general public everywhere. We're delighted to offer this important and timely program for no charge, with an option to contribute to Black Lives Matter. The entire ICF Gulf Coast chapter would like to extend our deepest thanks to Alexsandra and Grace for their important work and for sharing it with us to help us become agents of transformation and inclusion.
This webinar has been approved for 1.5 Core Competency and 1.0 Resource Development CCEUs by the International Coaching Federation.
If you'd like to collect CCEUs for this workshop, please plan to attend for the entire 2.5 hour program.
About Quantum Culture
Quantum Culture is bold new approach to diversity that has had a positive and powerful impact in government, non-profit, educational, and business sectors. This collaborative venture is lead by:

Alexsandra Lantigua, ORSCC, PCC
Alexsandra is an executive coach, facilitator, and trainer whose work empowers organizations to build equitable dynamic systems and inclusive cultures through conscious leadership. In addition to Quantum Culture, she is the founder and CEO of StarSeeds, a coaching and consulting practice, and DragonFlyers, where she opens up a new frontier for leaders and teams, and a founding member of the Curriculum and Facilitation team at Paradox ( has worked globally and has an international client base of leaders that stand for change, give back to their communities, and positively impact culture and society. She is a faculty member at Coactive (CTI), The Center for Right Relationship, and a lead trainer of the Evocative Leadership Mastery program at the Ehama Institute.
Alexsandra can be reached at

Grace Flannery, MS, PCC, ORSCC
Grace is a leadership coach, consultant, and trainer who helps clients successfully address power and privilege challenges, navigate change initiatives, improve productivity, and create equitable, impactful organizations. Grace is the founder of Leading Spirit, bringing strategic services to leaders in non-profit, for-profit, and public benefit organizations. She is also the co-founder of Quantum Culture, whose model of Power and Privilege represents a bold new approach to diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Grace is a senior faculty member at CRRGlobal (The Center for Right Relationship.)
Grace can be reached at