Our yearly Gulf Coast chapter conference will be all remote for 2021, with 5 exciting sessions centered on our theme, Authenticity: A Facet of Resilience.
We look forward to seeing you there!
8:00 a.m. Welcome! Housekeeping, special recognition
8:15 a.m. Getting Started
8:30 a.m. Healing the Broken System of Trust Through Ethical Coaching
9:30 a.m. Look Ahead: D&I Committee
9:45 a.m. ICF Update
10:00 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. Enriching Your Coaching Practice with the PCC Markers
12:30 p.m. Virtual Lunch - Reflection Questions and Speaker Learning
1:30 p.m. What The Heck is Coaching Supervision?
2:30 p.m. Overnight Reflections
8:00 a.m. Welcome back, Exchange of Oversight Insights
8:15 a.m. Spirituality Spotlight
8:30 a.m. Spirituality and Coaching: Tapping into Spirit to Build Resilience
10:30 a.m. Sponsor recognition
10:35 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. The Essential Core of Comfortable Confidence
1:00 p.m. Virtual Lunch – ICF Gulf Coast Chapter Business Update
2:15 p.m. Virtual evals & final comments
2:30 p.m. Final highlights & Wrap up
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
See full conference details here
Healing the Broken System of Trust Through Ethical Coaching
Janet Harvey, MCC
Participants will discover how unconditional curiosity evokes wonder, opportunity maybe even the possibility for something useful and enlivening. The choice to be curious and tenacious to learn is what drives change. Start from a place of listening. Listen with a firm intent to learn through an open exchange and open attention. Truly perceive another person on their terms. This is the path.
Enriching Your Coaching Practice with the PCC Markers
Lyssa DeHart, MCC and Maureen Purcell, PCC
The PCC Markers are developed by ICF to be used as a guideline for coaching behaviors at the PCC level. They are a way to expand the understanding of the ICF Core Competencies and are used when evaluating recordings submitted to ICF in the PCC application process. The
presenters will talk about their experience and training with the PCC markers and how they incorporate them into their coaching practices. The group will have time to discuss and pose questions about the benefits of PCC markers and how they fit in with the ICF Core Competencies. There will be time allowed for hands-on 'play' by the participants to get firsthand experience with the markers.
What the Heck is Coaching Supervision?
Jan Berg, MCC
I'm in love with coaching supervision! I've been a coach for 20 years and a mentor coach for 15. Frankly, I thought supervision was superfluous. Huh. Supervision is a most amazing modality to create growth, develop nuance, renew passion and boost your self-reflective practices. Come enjoy a conversation and even a demonstration about how coaching supervision differs from our more common practices.
Spirituality and Coaching: Tapping into Spirit to Build Resilience
Maureen Purcell, PCC
This presentation will be an exploration of leveraging spirituality within context of coaching. Participants will consider how spirituality can be a tool for both coach and client to minimize resistance and build resilience that may arise in the coaching relationship. To explore this topic, there will be small breakout groups and large group interactions that will include mini-polls, discussions and experiential exercises. The ideal participant will come with a sense of curiosity about spirituality and an eagerness to exchange ideas and experiences that encourage the weaving of spiritual practices into coaching.
The Essential Core of Comfortable Confidence
Heather Coros, PCC
We will explore The 5 Bridges to Comfortable Confidence:
1. Pause to notice unwanted thoughts, indicator emotions, undesirable actions or rigid identities;
2. Emotionally regulate through the default emotions;
3. Get curious by seeing each interaction (failure) as part of a refinement process and a learning opportunity to refine and step toward the authentic goals;
4. Recognize, hear and clearly communicate needs and desires based on new awareness in co-creating with ease;
5. Design and take action toward your authentic goals to create your preferred desired emotions and amplify your success and joy.
Then take a deep dive into Bridge 5 and create your Essential Core Goals and application in coaching others.