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Southeast Regional Webinar: Speak Up and Influence: Stand Out as a Trusted Thought Leader

  • 01/13/2022
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Zoom, Details provided in Part 2 of your Registration


  • Open to members of ICF Global and associated with any chapter
  • Open to members of the public

Registration is closed

Whether you have your own coaching business or you support employees, women, or marginalized community members internally, you likely are driven to help others tame critical self-talk and communicate with confidence, clarity, and conviction because your journey to voice has been… complicated. As a coach, you probably embody the motto – we coach on what we have had to learn and what we are committed to remembering. In this experiential workshop, speaking and thought leadership coach, Alexia Vernon, will show you how to level-up from a coach to a trusted and in-demand thought leader. You will not only learn how to bring a “coach approach” to your visibility so you can call in more aligned individual and/or organizational clients, you will also develop tools to help the people you work with fall (back) in love with their voices and speak up for the ideas and issues they care about.

Learning objectives: 
• Explore a vocal empowerment system to amplify your voice, visibility and influence – that you can also use with clients and employees who want to speak with more confidence and impact 
 • Demystify what it means to be a thought leader and how, as a coach, to garner visibility and speak up for the ideas and issues you are passionate about 
 • Discover timely, in-demand coaching topics and how to sell decision makers on you and your approach 

 • Avoid key mistakes coaches make when positioning themselves for speaking, media, and organizational opportunities

Presenter Bio: 

Alexia Vernon is the Founder and President of Step into Your Moxie – a certified women-owned and disability-owned coaching and training company that shows business leaders, and the coaches and consultants who support them, how to find their voice and master using it. Dubbed a “Moxie Maven” by the White House Office of Public Engagement for her unique and effective approach to communication development, Alexia is the creator of the Step into Your Moxie® Certification Program and a sought-after coach to entrepreneurs, executives, corporate teams, and change agents who want to speak with an unshakeable presence, sell their ideas, navigate daring conversations, advance their thought leadership, and elevate marginalized voices. 

Since winning the Miss Junior America competition, Alexia has delivered transformational programs for Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, nonprofits, government and educational institutions, professional associations, and the United Nations. She has contributed to media including CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Entrepreneur.comForbes.comInc.com, European Business Review, and Women’s Health Magazine. 

Alexia is the author of multiple books including Step into Your Moxie: Amplify Your Voice, Visibility, and Influence in the World. Alexia is also the creator of The Legacy Fund which provides grants to early-stage female and non-binary entrepreneurs and nonprofit founders.


$10.00  ICF Global Member & ICF Gulf Coast Members 

$20.00  Non-ICF Guests

PLEASE NOTE: You will need to complete a two-part registration for webinars in the Southeast Regional series. Part 1 will be on the ICF Gulf Coast website, followed by part 2 with the sponsoring ICF chapter. You'll receive a link to the webinar after both parts are complete.

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