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August CCEU Webinar: Pioneering an Internal Coaching Practice: The Intangibles of Establishing Coaching in Corporate Workspaces, A Case Study

  • 08/17/2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom, Details provided in Registration Confirmation


  • Open to ICF Global members associated with any chapter and the general public
  • Requires code to attend

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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to build coaching into the corporate work environment? Internal coaching is still a fairly new thought that comes with many nuances, expectations and needs to be handled with care. This interactive presentation will give participants a glimpse into a case study of how an internal career & executive coaching practice was built into a Fortune 50 company. In addition to learning how to build a coaching practice, insight will be shared on how to land internal coaching roles - as there has been a strong increase of these roles over the last 3 years. 

This webinar has been submitted to International Coaching Federation for CCEUs.

About Tolu Akande

Tolu Akande is a personal and corporate coach, serving individuals and organizations to walk in destiny – the place where opportunity and passion meet. 

As a Professional Certified Coach accredited with International Coaching Federation, Tolu has committed his career to coaching excellence. Tolu’s coaching training focused on intercultural coaching and shaping leadership and career legacy. Tolu holds a master’s degree in International Relations and Conflict Resolution and does his best to bring a global perspective and approach to his coaching clients. 

Additionally, Tolu is the principal coach and career & executive coaching department head at a Fortune 50 company. He’s also served on many management and executive teams with a focus on leadership development and conflict resolution. Tolu allows these experiences to fuel his coaching engagements while keeping the client as the focus. 

Tolu’s goal for each coaching partnership is that leaders would experience clarity and action, like never before.

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