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the Power of Metaphors

  • 06/01/2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom, Details provided in Registration Confirmation


  • Open to ICF Global members associated with any chapter and the general public
  • Requires code to attend

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the Power of Metaphors


Brief Summary of Presentation:

Metaphors are all around us; they flow through the daily rhythm of our conversations. Unless they are wildly obvious, we may miss them. Join this fun webinar and learn to play with the power of visual language. 

John Geary said, “Whenever we describe anything abstract: ideas, feelings, thoughts, emotions, concepts, we instinctively resort to metaphors”

Discover the neuroscience of metaphors. Metaphors light up the brain of the person who uses them and they can be used to create outcomes, give clarity of distance, as well as support deep transformation.

Human beings do not use metaphors accidentally. Metaphors that your clients bring forward have the power to unlock their awareness. Learning to use the metaphors that your clients bring to the conversation is far more powerful than scripting your metaphors into the coaching conversation. Metaphors are vivid doorways into who your clients are being, their deeply held beliefs, their vision of themselves, and their sense of what they want. This awareness can give you a powerful tool to get curious with greater ease. Worksheet Supplied

Key Takeaways

1.       Neuroscience + Metaphors. How metaphors impact our neural wiring and how to pay attention to the embodied metaphor as a tool.

2.      The need for Embodied Learning for Sustainable changes.

3.      The power of using metaphors in coaching conversation to create greater awareness, anchor insights, as well as using them to create agreements and move from topic to success measures.

4.     How metaphors weave through the ICF Core Competencies.

About the Presenter:

Lyssa deHart, LICSW, MCC, author of StoryJacking: Change Your Dialogue, Transform Your Life, the Reflective Coach, and host of the Podcast, The Coaching Studio. Lyssa is a Confidence Coach, Certified Mentor Coach, Coaching Super-Vision Partner, ICF PCC Assessor, and coaching educator. Using her understanding of the ICF Core Competencies and her knowledge of Neuroscience, Lyssa works with Professional Coaches to expand the capacity to partner with their clients through how they show up and hold the space for those with whom they work.


Lyssa is the creator of the Power of Metaphor Certification Program. Giving coaches new ways to tune their ears to hear the powerful metaphors their clients bring forward and discovering how to leverage the important metaphors to create stronger agreements, build trust and safety, allow the client to lead, and ultimately evoke powerful embodied awareness.

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