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Power of Pause: The New Science of Brain Breaks, Stress Reduction, and Self Care

  • 12/06/2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom, Details provided in Registration Confirmation


  • Open to ICF Global members associated with any chapter and the general public
  • Requires code to attend

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1 Core, .5 RD

Power of Pause: The New Science of Brain Breaks, Stress Reduction, and Self Care


With our work demands getting faster and faster, and the pressure to balance home and work continually rising, brain science has now shown that the key to our most productive, creative, and happiest selves isn't working harder, it's working smarter.  In this presentation, you'll discover:

·  The power of pause--and why scheduling micro-breaks charges your mental battery and how it helps avoid coaching burnout

·  How taking care of yourself and building "stress resilience" can increase both you and your clients' productivity and happiness.

·  Why your clients feel highly distractible at 3 pm and how to help them double their productivity in the afternoon

·  Why multitasking is costing you and the clients you work with time and money -- and how to achieve focus in a hyper-distracted world

·  What is the best way to structure your workday to manage stress and stay calm through even the toughest projects

·  How the science behind innovation—and how understanding your own brain's "deep problem solving" network—can be the key that unlocks your world-changing ideas

·  Why the best coaches keep their mental battery charged and how they tap into states of flow and peak performance

·  How successful coaches manage their "stress debt" by making micro-investments in their wellness throughout the day.

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