1 Core, .5 RD
Using Ritual and Environment For More Powerful Coaching
- Explore the significant role of rituals and environment in driving human change and development, specifically within the context of coaching.
- Equip coaches with the knowledge and skills to seamlessly integrate rituals and optimize the coaching environment for enhanced client-facing work.
Although coaching is often seen as a modern profession emerging from the humanistic psychology movement of the mid-20th century, the concept of supporting transitions, development, and change has deep roots in the fabric of human society. Rites and rituals are time proven tools for managing and embedding these pivotal moments. Rites of passage (a form of ritual) are defined as ‘events which mark or facilitate an important transitional life stage’, and we’ll explore how the coaching relationship itself can be considered a form of ritual.
The coaching environment and context are critical factors in supporting meaningful change. Behavioral science highlights that the context holds the utmost importance in this regard. Even in the era of virtual coaching, where altering the environment may seem irrelevant or impossible, understanding its impact on thinking, emotions, and decision-making becomes vital. In this program, we will explore the profound influence of our surroundings and provide simple yet creative techniques to integrate and explore this aspect within coaching sessions.
The aim is for the session to be experiential and fun, giving participants a direct personal experience of the learning and tools, as well as offering several practical ideas to implement within their coaching sessions immediately.
2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset
I will be touching on the importance of practices and self-work for the coach as facilitator/guide.
3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements
As I will explore the entire session & engagement as ritual, I will discuss the importance of Van Gennep’s three part model of rites of passage (preparation, liminality, return). Agreement building is part of preparation.
5. Maintains Presence
I will explore the impact of silence & not knowing, both factors of Liminality.
6. Listens Actively
I will discuss listening to and in the environment as a form of deep intuitive listening.
7. Evokes Awareness
We will explore the use of environment and nature-based triggers on creative thinking and executive function; and how to use environment and nature as triggers for powerful questions and evocative inquiry.
8. Facilitates Client Growth
Rod Francis’ Bio:
Rod Francis is a US-based coach, coach educator, storyteller and speaker who has led professional coach training programs in Europe and the USA over the past decade and a half. He’s the founder and creator of the ICF-Accredited Emergent Coach Training program. A former professional dancer, performer and entrepreneur, he is keenly interested in the integration of ancient wisdom traditions, nature-based practices and cutting-edge science with professional coaching competencies to support human change and the ease of ecological and social suffering.